Roguelike port?

what? you mean vertical openings aren’t 2 high?

All the opennings are 1 tile right now, as seen here. We can make it into 2 without much issue. Let me work on it a little bit, I have markers made so I can implement doors that are 2 high :slight_smile:

yea ok just give the code so we can port for pokitto hardware


Sorry for the messy code :stuck_out_tongue: If you have any questions, I will back in 30min or so.

Edit: Quick info on tiles 1-floor, 2-wall, 18 and 34 are markers for horizontal and vertical openings.

Edit2: One of the big changes from the code. Deleted those two, seemed to help with wall opening issues.

mazeData[ room[ii].x + xx/2 , room[ii].y + wy - 1 ] = 2; //setz durchgänge

mazeData[ room[ii].x + wx - 1 , room[ii].y + yy/2 ] = 2;

yea well
hit iseus,
local r = {x=2,y=2,w=dungeon.w,h=dungeon.h} add (rooms,r)

these things dont translate well
theres allot of variables idk what you want to do with them

im sorry i cant convert this

This is the same as this from the code (with variables changed):

Beginning of code:

public Rooms(int xx, int yy, int rW, int rH){
x = xx;
y = yy;
w = rW;
h = rH;

The code you are looking at.

room[1] = new Rooms(2,2,dungeon.h,dungeon.w);

I had to change it because pico 8 does not use tables/arrays like c does.

Edit: you can actually change the room[1] to room[0], but anywhere later on when you start looking through the table of rooms you will need to change its beginning (from 1 to 0, 2 to 1 and so on).

i dont know where thats even from, i thought you where using my code
do you know c++?

anyway im just going to wait for @trelemar since i cant be botherd anymore on the level gen

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Nope, I am using this thing you posted earlier today.

Never used c++ apart from trying to decipher the examples in past few days. I can try to port my code to pokitto, but it won’t be fast, and I am pretty sure I won’t have it ready for the jam deadline :frowning:

I can ask around for someone’s help on twitter.

I should (hopefully) have progress to show tonight with my method. We’re gonna miss the jam. That’s a given. Now the question is, Are you guys still down? The jam was never motivation for me to begin with.


Its inspiring to watch all of you working on this. I hope you do not stop even if the CGAjam is missed.

And ahem … we have also been thinking about a pokittojam … with a real prize

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the jam would have been some nice marketing to let people know we are around, better luck next jam.
do wanna keep the cga colors kinda got used to them with our first iteration of this, since im prety sure we will add more stuff then was planned for jam later on. do wanna have some scheduling and keep it progress up, cuz i also have a sidescroller that needs some love after this

Are you all sure you cant make a simple roguelike? There is 3 days left.

What’s the biggest problem at the moment? The room generation ?

Edit: gamejams have some pretty unfinished / simple entries usually. I would not be so critical. it would be a great way to introduce Pokitto to people who have not heard about it.

This weekend I have been contacted by email by 5 people wanting to buy a Pokitto. The word is just starting to get out there.

we have been trying the map generation for like 3 days XD

And you need someone to turn a Lua routine to C++ ? I can help.

Yes we need translation from pico-8 lua to c++

This is the dungeon gen that seems to have best results so far, but I only know how to program on pico-8 so this is what I have.

It is based on the code from here.

As for the game. I would love to make an expanded post jam version, even if we don’t make it to the jam… but I would not like to keep the cga palette. With 256 (man even with 32) color 1bit tiles we can make the game look amazing!

Translator activated …

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Awesome! Let me know if you have any questions, because my code is a newbie flavored mess :wink: I will keep on checking the thread every now and then.

The lua language reference is a PITA, because try searching for a keyword “add”

What does this do:
local r = {x=2,y=2,w=dungeon.w,h=dungeon.h}
add (rooms,r)

edit: local is clear, but clarify “add” for me

I think ADD is pico-8 specific.

Look here: Roguelike port?

I makes the first entry in the rooms array with the following vars: {x=2,y=2,w=dungeon.w,h=dungeon.h}

In the original code it was this (I changed the variables to reflect mine):

room[1] = new Rooms(2,2,dungeon.w,dungeon.h);

edit: fixed w and h placement in example!

Isn’t add the equivalent of table.insert?
add == table.insert

add t v

		Add value v to the end of table t.
		Equivalent to t[#t+1] = v

			FOO={}        -- create empty table
			ADD(FOO, 11)
			ADD(FOO, 22)
			PRINT(FOO[2]) -- 22
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