[Wiki] Using The PEX 00 - Introduction And Contents

What is the PEX?

The Pokitto Extension Header, or PEX for short, is a way for the Pokitto to interact with electronic devices and circuits.
It is essentially a cluster of tiny sockets that can have wires ‘plugged in’ to it to give the Pokitto paths to send or receive electronic signals.

The PEX is the main means by which the Pokitto will be able to accommodate hardware extensions that allow it to do new and interesting things. These hardware extensions are often referred to as ‘hats’ because they resemble hats being placed upon the Pokitto’s head.

One of the most interesting things about the PEX though, is that it’s fully controllable from any program written for the Pokitto, meaning that you can build your own circuits and program the Pokitto to interact with them. In this series of tutorials, that is precisely what I will be attempting to teach you.

Do not worry if you have never built a circuit before, I will attempting to explain things along the way.
It would however be good to have some basic understanding of how to program the Pokitto before starting these tutorials.
I will be focusing as much on the PEX as possible, but I will be using a few of the Pokitto’s other features like text printing and maybe a bit of drawing.


  1. A Simple LED Project - Digital output
  2. Adding Extra Buttons - Digital input
  3. Potentiometers And Analogue Input - Analogue input
  4. (title TBC) - PWM output?