[Game]Kong II [V1.0]

It’s fantastic. I like the fact that you can zoom in as well as having a full view.


Not sure what people are talking about with the difficulty. After several attempts I finally got a highscore of 3 :joy:


That’s awesome! You jumped three clappers?

K2 plays very well. I really get the G&W feeling while playing it :slight_smile:

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Great! Now I no longer need to be embarrassed of only getting 16 as a high score!

Yeah I felt so proud of myself. Now that I’ve figured out the trick to it I managed a score of 28 :stuck_out_tongue:

Spoiler Alert

If you stay on level 1 and keep jumping over the first clapper you’ll get one point each time and it’s super easy. :shushing_face:

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Argh, i did 26 points just with honest oldschool gameplay :laughing:

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Good luck trying to beat my score doing that trick. :wink:


Nope, no tricks for me, always beating my games honorably :laughing:

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I got 29 points (without tricks), but I think I can improve it a bit. Nice to know that there are also other not-so-hard-core players like me :slight_smile:


I do not even want to know what that score is :wink:


High score of mine so far: 94!

A few possible bugs:

  • When jumping over hunter when over a vine section, I do not get a point. Same with spark on second level.
  • It seems sometimes I don’t get points jumping over sparks or hunters in the middle too.
  • If I got the key in it’s initial position, and then Game Over, the next game I start the key is on the same second location (I had saved Kong once prior)
  • Sometimes I can collect the second key twice (it still only goes to one lock)
  • Sometimes it seemed like two locks broke with one key (NOT after double collection above)
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I am a little behind: 84. I very rarely have interest to play this much one game. Usually, I try a couple of times and that’s it.

Edit: A notable exceptions: M.U.L.E., Shadow of a Beast, Super Mario Galaxy.

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Well I am honored that you actually enjoy it enough to play it that much than! :+1:

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The difficulty level is just spot on. Also nostalgy plays a role here even if I have not played just that G&W game back then.


Great new video by RetroRob


Without meaning to upstage Kong II,
there’s also an older video which is about 26 minutes of playing various Pokitto games.


This is without any fancy tricks :crazy_face:. In case you can’t see it clearly on the image these are the scores:
Easy: 0197
Hard: 0172


Nice! You are getting closer! :wink:

I have posted a new version of the game with (hopefully) these bugs squashed. Thanks for pointing them out to me!

Version 1.0.1 now released!