Where do you buy hardware components online?

I’m looking to just explore different components and electronic parts that can be used either with my Pokitto or other assortment of projects, and am curious where most folks go to buy these things.

In the past I have mostly stuck to Adafruit, Digikey and Canakit (along with the local Microcenter) but I am curious if there are some other choices that folks around here would swear by.

I have bought from Adafruit and Digikey and cannot complain. I have bought stuff from a bunch of Chinese vendors and can complain :slight_smile:


Good to know :laughing:

Have you ever had a chance to buy something from Pimoroni? I just found that one the other day (again haha)

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I’ve never actually got around to buying any components,
but Sparkfun and Pimoroni have always taken my interest.

I’ve also come across a place called ‘Cool Components’,
but have never tried them.

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Oh how did I forget about sparkfun!

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One more I forgot about…
I’ve also come across a place called ‘DFRobot’.

Again, I’ve never used them, but their “Beetle” and its variants have taken my interest in the past when I was looking for something that would fit in a small remote-control-like device.

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try mouser.com or farnell.com


I’ll check then out, thanks! Good to see you around again :smiley:

mostly alixexpress and amazon.
Id love to buy from adafruit but they are too pricey for my single dad purse.