What next? Community suggestions for releasing stuff

Yes and no.

I have actually ported Zboy to Pokitto and have run Gameboy Mario ROM on the Pokitto. I think its some sort of a world record. To understand why, Mario Gb rom is 64kb memory space. Pokito has 36kB memory.

The emulation runs too slowly to be playable. But I think there is something wrong in my timing code, because reducing number of scanlines does not help the speed. So I am giving it a mythbusters “plausible” sign

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Please post this footage. Really need to see it!! Even if it runs at a low framerate.

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probebly with heavy modification to the rom it might work, but redistribution of these is legally not advised.

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Pokitto sounds like “a little bit” in spanish :slight_smile:

I would love to see that footage too, maybe with a royalty free gb rom?


not really a thing, even romhacks aren’t exactly legal.
i just dont want the pokitto to get in trouble for some random rom on the site

There are plenty of homebrew gb games around. Most of them really small too.

I have dozens and dozens of homebrew GB games, there’s a big scene around them. Maybe talk to one of the devs and ask if they are interested in porting one over!

I’m really digging a new one I got called Escape 2042, the dev has made it for many platforms, so he might be interested in bringing it over

Here’s his site:

I think @adekto is right. Documentation and emulator is most important part. We can start developing if we have them.

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Yup, I’d love to get started, sounds like fun :slight_smile:

I agree with you all. I was not planning on releasing the tools yet but you have no reason to hang round here until I do.

Lets make a deal: lot of my time goes to pushing Pokitto on Twitter/FB/forums.

You guys take care of that for me tomorrow, get us to 10k and I will use my time to package the simulator environment and write a short guide to get you up to speed.

Fair deal?

Edit: as a bonus i will throw in some footage of super mario world on Pokitto hardware


That is what I thought of when I first heard it. Or like Japanese for “pocket.” Which also makes sense!

I thought the same thing!

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@josh sorry for the delay in approving your comment.

At Discourse, no approval is normally needed. However, there is some sort of complicated anti-spammer profiling system (how soon user posts after log in, length of reply and so on) and you message got flagged !!

So welcome to the board, you should be cool now.

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Yes, adekto is very correct: this is a legally dark (no, not grey) area: it is great and educational to see how the pro’s make their stuff, but distributing these roms is unfortunately not OK. Let’s just make our own, original content. :smiley:

@Miratus @adekto Totally agreed here. No roms will be released. For those interested, I can later explain how memory mapping on GB works and how that can be used to make a ROM run in much smaller memory space but no copyrighted content will be published.

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Although physical stuff/hardware (SD cards, cables, stickers, bags) are all very cool and - quite frankly - just plain desirable :yum: , I was wondering whether perhaps some of the stretch goals might be more tutorials, examples, emulator functions, video tutorials, documentation, wiki, etc… I can buy standard hardware just fine, but that is the stuff that is hard to find: quality information and educational materials. Just my two cents.

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Been thinking about the same lines. A simple thing like a pouch can take a surprisingly large amount of time to develop properly.

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A toolchain all in one IDE that’s super simple to use and could let kids literally drag and drop bits and pieces into a game mechanic framework (something like construct2 but not as in-depth and more scaled down) would be killer. That’s something everyone would love to have for sure :slight_smile: one can dream!


@pixelplatforms I’ve already been working on this (also :grin:). Based on Blockly, generates Pawn scripting language that runs as bytecode on Pokitto. We will get to this in time.

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Omg nice! Can’t wait!