[Tool]Pokitto Badass SFX Editor


We’re going to settle this sound generation problem once and for all

First step is that you’re going to get a) samples support b) an editor, that allows you to test different kind of sounds AND will output the necessary code to generate the sound

8000 Hz playback version of SFXeditor

sfxed8k.bin (119.7 KB)

11025 Hz playback version

sfxed11k.bin (119.7 KB)

16000 Hz playback version

sfxed16k.bin (119.7 KB)

22050 Hz playback version

sfxed22k.bin (119.7 KB)

Some example sounds:

Badass alien craft passing by:

Accelerating Atari2600 race car:

Classic Laser blaster:


Almost ready.

Visual ADSR envelope to explain how attack, decay, sustain and release work

in the corner, shows the actual line of code needed on pokitto to reproduce the sound!



sfxedit.bin (119.7 KB)


If Ahti (3 yrs of age) can use it, so can you!


Sounds very good on hw too!

That’s through the speaker jack though!

Sounds good also through the internal speaker! Good work.

One suggestion: there could be a small red dot indicating where in the ADSR envelope we are going.

P.s. The code line example is a great idea!

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The sound editor is for the Pokitto itself? Nice!

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Hmm… I do not seem to get the usual ADSR graph by changing the ADSR parameters. Meaning this:

Either sustain or release do not work as expected in the graph.

Attack is a rate 1-255, 0 is instant
Decay is a rate 1-255, 0 is off
Sustain is a volume level, 0-255
note: sustain has no effect, if there is no decay set
Release is a rate, 0-255. Note that Release should not be > sustain

Oh yes, now I understand. Yep, sustain is only 1 parameter(level). Duration is not set separately

Ok, so it differs somewhat of ADSR used in e.g. C64. As I understood in C64 there is a gate bit. Setting it starts ADSR, and clearing it ends the sustain phase and starts the release phase. The gate bit is like pressing and releasing a piano key.

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There is no sine wave? It should be there, that’s the basic wave.

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It requires a look-up table, no big deal

Added some example sounds to help you get started:


Is the code for this available for study? I’ve been trying to learn sound synthesis for a while now and this looks like it would be very helpful :slight_smile: