I’ve split my recent work into two posts: this one and PokiPad.
LILIDE is a Pokitto “IDE”, or rather a text editor with an embedded interpreter of a small scripting language named LIL. It is based on PokiPad text editor. It is a toy, not something to do serious development with!
To get started, check out the example programs by selecting example from the menu.
For controls, see the PokiPad thread.
This project comes with additional modules and programs you can make use of. See the PokiPad project page and/or the repository to learn more.
The current LILIDE features are:
- Those of PokiPad.
- Ability to execute currently edited document with the LIL interpreter. Go to the menu and select run LIL.
- A few built-in LIL example programs. Go to the menu and select example.
The limitations:
- Smaller supported file size of
21 KiB compared to PokiPad. This is to leave more RAM for the interpreter. - No way to kill the interpreter. If it gets in an infinite loop, the only thing you can do is restart Pokitto. So be careful, save your progress.
- Lack of advanced IDE features, such as syntax highlight, completion, line numbering etc. These are left for a project of its own.
- The ported interpreter module is reusable, but pretty basic and can only present visual output, not return actual computed values to your C++ code. However, it should be next to trivial to make this happen if you need it. Just take a look at the code.
- Errors’ position in code is not shown, they’re only reported via a pop up window. The reason is that this particular LIL implementation only reports a local position of the error. With a bit of efforts this could be fixed.
WARNING: back up your SD card if you value the content! The Pokitto SD card library I used is a WIP and has bugs. I may also have bugs in my code. It is therefore not impossible your files will get corrupted and/or lost.
Also: some SD cards may not work with this program. I experienced this with my own card – it’s an issue with the SD library. At the moment you can do nothing but switch to another card.
This program is free software released under CC0 1.0 waiver, except for the LIL source files, which are released under a different permissive free license (see the code). This means my work is in the public domain and you can do absolutely anything with it (including commercial use) without any burden (including giving me credit). If you include the LIL files, you have to respect the terms of its license (document changes). If you like the program and want to thank me, the best way is to share your own software as free and open source as well, using an appropriate license.
Here is the code and the binary:
lilide.bin (191.0 KB)
About LIL
LIL (little interpreted language, not to be confused with another LIL) is a tiny programming language I’ve found and that very pleasantly surprised me – its design is one of a few that get close to what I’d call beautiful.
It reduces the program to two basic elements: strings (data) and functions (program). Functions are actually strings too, so you might just say everything is a string in LIL. In this sense LIL’s structure is similar to Lisp’s s-expressions. This seemingly primitive system allows implementation of advanced concepts such as prototype-based OOP or exception handling – hence the beauty. (Demonstration programs are included with LIL.)
It’s very easy to learn the language (but difficult to get accommodated to – easy to learn, hard to master). Since all actions are functions (even variable assignments, flow control etc.), it’s enough to learn about functions and you’re set.
You can learn the language from LIL’s readme and examples:
Here is an additional small cheatsheet I’ve made for myself, if it helps you. It also documents the extra functions for Pokitto:
LIL functions for Pokitto:
p_write what [x] [y] [color] write value to screen
p_read waits for pokitto button press and returns
its value (ABCURDL = 0123456)
p_pressed button returns 1 if given button is being held,
otherwise a false value (codes are same
as for p_read)
p_clear [color] clear screen with given color
p_wait n wait (sleep) for n frames
p_rect x y w h color [filled] draw a rectangle
p_circle x y d color [filled] draw a circle
p_line x1 y1 x2 y2 color draw a line
p_pixel x y color draw a pixel
p_update wait for the next frame, makes drawn graphic appear
p_frame return Pokitto frame number
p_time return elapsed time in ms
p_rand return random byte value (0 - 255)
p_sin x return sin of integer x (percents of a full circle, max = 100) as
a value from -100 to 100
general LIL cheatsheet (find more in lil's readme.txt)
Everything is a string.
separate with ; or newlines
## comment ##
[...] execute what's inside square brackets and substitute the result, e.g.: print [expr 1 + 1]
if ["not"] val then [else] branching, e.g.: if 1 {print one} {print noone}, returns evaluated branch result
while ["not"] val code while loop
for init expr step code for loop
foreach [name] l code executes code for each list item (its value will be in "name"), returns list of evaluations,
e.g.: foreach i [list a b c] {print $i}
return [val] returns from function with optional value
set var val set given variable to given value
$var get variable value (same as set with only one argument)
expr a b c ... combines arguments into one math epression, evaluates and returns the result
func fname args body define a new function, e.g.: func myfunc {a b} {print $a $b}
list a b c ... returns a new list with arguments as items
count l returns number of items in a LIL list
index l i returns ith item in a LIL list (0-based)
indexof l v returns index of first occurence of value in a LIL list, or empty string
append l v appends a value to a LIL list
slice l i1 [i2] returns a slice of a LIL list
eval a b c ... combines argument into a single string and evaluates as LIL code
char n converts int to char (one-character string)
rand returns a random number between 0.0 and 1.0
inc name [val] increment variable (or add given value)
The whole language consists of only two source files: lil.c and lil.h. Along with these comes an interpreter (REPL and an uninteractive interpreter in one program) that you can compile (just type make) and try out. There is also a number of examples in the repository.
I have added a Pokitto interpreter pokittolil.hpp
that allows you to use the language on Pokitto. It adds a few essential functions (starting with p_
) to LIL that are bound to PokittoLib’s functions. The functions allow writing text on screen, drawing primitives and getting some basic info about Pokitto… there are no functions for drawing bitmaps, playing sound or writing files, as this would be a lot more work to do… but it’s still fun.
What is this good for when we already have C++? For scripting. The programs in LIL can be constructed right on Pokitto, at runtime, and can be even changed (even by themselves) as they’re running. This is extremely flexible and allows you to avoid hardcoding functionality in your games. You can treat LIL scripts as the game’s “assets” that can be changed without recompiling the game.