IPS replacement screen

Well, depends how in depth you go. I mean have you had a look here: at this topic?

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But why did you remove the back?

The “matte” is between the backlight and the glass.

I just took it apart as far as I could

I’ve got the same problem (My brain goes haywire already when watching the gray bars on the volume selection) and is mainly the reason my Pokitto is catching dust.

I noticed that the effect is less when I turn Pokitto 180 degrees (probably my other eye is less sensetive).

Is there any information available about the LCD pinout and pitch of the FPC cable ?

I know this is a somewhat older topic but the hardware hasn’t changed so I thought I’d give my recommendation as I’ve had similar issues (with LCD’s in general even as I have astigmatism).

For me tilting slightly down on the left helps a bit, however I found that if I instead hold it at a somewhat decent distance (not arms length but about 20-30cm away and instead of viewing it straight on I tilt it down ever so slightly (maybe about 10 degrees at most, just enough to even out the intensity levels). I’d recommend this approach to others as well and see if it helps with their experience. Unfortunately with the majority of small LCD screens being made for use in cell phones (which use portrait as the standard orientation) it can be quite challenging to find a suitable one for landscape orientation that isn’t super expensive or designed for higher res systems (like 1080p and up).

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Thanks for the reply @tuxinator2009. I’ve tried that but it doesn’t work for me even at armslength. If I could get/make an extension cable for the LCD I could fIip the display (with some library changes). I also saw this IPS display and was wondering If I could hook that to Pokitto some how.


Hey @Mr.Blinky good to see you over here!

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Hi @filmote! I found my Pokitto (and this forum) again lot’s to check out. I see you and @Vampirics where quite busy with Pokitto too :slight_smile:


Nice to see you around!!!

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Yep … quite busy. We have a new game out today > [Game]Dark Ritual [V1.1.0]


Nice work you guys. I saw it. I’ll be waiting for the hard copy of the magazine to read about it.


Don’t read about it, play it! Even if you don’t like the screen HW its running on you can run it in the Pokitto emulator.


@Mr.Blinky … I am sorry to hear that you too have issues with the screen. I have to admit, I did not realize this was such a common problem.

Earlier, I looked at dismantling the screen but the glass layer that sits on top of the actual crystal layer is fused. There is no refractive layer that can be removed.

IPS screens could be used but: these screens are what is called a COG type (chip on glass) and the controller is part of the screen. So an exact match would have to be found.

As for an extension to the flex cable, that is entirely possible, let me look around a bit.

However, a thought has occurred to me. Playing around with Google Cardboard 3D glasses has given me ideas. We could make a simple pcb with duplicate lcds so that each eye has its own display. This pcb you could put into google cardboard / similar <10usd glasses.

Would that help?

Thanks for responding and looking into the extension cable @jonne.

Meanwhile I found the displays pinout in the Pokitto Magazine 1 on page 30. and after doing some measuments it seems the displays FPC cable is 0.5mm pitch.

One of the differences beteen the Pokitto’s display and the IPS display I already found is that Pokitto’s display uses 6800 interface and the IPS one 8080 interface. But I expect library changes inevitable.

Flipping the display is more complex then I initally thought. The LCD is not symetrical and some of the plastic needs removed, The display may get too close to the power switch, the (extended) FPC cable needs a 180 degree twist with an extension adapter there may not be enough clearance.

Another Idea I just had is to hold Pokitto upside down and swap the buttons in library. I think it would be a first nice test (adapting libraries,recompiling stuff) before I’ll try the IPS display.

The VR goggles is a neat idea. But I’m not ready yet to wear Pokitto on my face :smiley:


I purchased that IPS display I mentioned earier. Plans are to design a FPC adapter cable that can be soldered to that display and slots in Pokitto’s LCD connector. Will need to tinker with the LCD library to make it usable but it sounds like a fun project.


It would be very interesting to see the result :grinning:


Sounds like a fun project indeed!


May take a while before there will be any result to show. Will be September before the Display arrives and probably November for the custom FPC cable.


Seems I was too optimistic. My display order was canceled without reason. :confused: Looks like I need to search for another display.

That is a shame.