
Slime is a sliding puzzle game where you direct googly eye slimes back to there place.

slime.bin (60.2 KB)


needs sd card with SLIME.DAT file to function

(source codeslime.zip (9.9 KB)
this is a bad example to show of how to implement a tile mode game it alows you to use multiple pallets on the same screen but is slow and should probebly only be used for tile based board games, it composites a “tile” as a small buffer and then directly draws it to the screen)


oeee, looks nice i am going to try that tonight :smile:

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Just tried it, controls work nicely. Initial start seems a little wierd (black screen and humming)
Now i know you have to get them back in place, but what is that place ? Should it say slime ?

still implementing a win condition
will also try and get a level editor made

ah, ok well it looks good sofar :+1:

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just curious, whats the .DAT file for ? Does it store the graphics ?

im not sure if i should make a title screen or make the slimes spell slime as the first level

the dat file stores the level

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you could let them slime down from top of the screen, and let them spell slime like that

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or something like this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgGzoqw9dfE

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got the engine done its fully playable now
test level is a bit bad looking but level 2 looks more like the game should
still have slow load times with black screen
slime_alphaV2.bin (60.2 KB)
SLIME.DAT.zip (295 Bytes)

now have to build a level editor somehow


small update, i build an primitive editor in love2D
slimeEdit.zip (2.5 KB)
this needs love2D engine to work and just draw and drop the folder ontop the love.exe

it will save it to a SLIME.DAT file in the folder

you have to plan out your level beforehand since there is no undo

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minor update to game, fixed a few bugs and added some levels
slime.bin (60.2 KB)

seems the level editor wont save correctly, if you want to add a level make a screenshot or draw out your idea
i will try and add it to the game :slight_smile:

Wow, this is a really fun puzzle game! Did you come up with this concept or base it off of an existing game? The puzzles so far feel clever and interesting. I think I got through all the levels in the demo, because I played until there was a level with a single block and nothing else.

When the levels load with a black screen, there’s also a quiet buzz on the speaker. I wonder if that’s a side-effect of reading data from the SD card. Are you planning to add a loading screen between levels?

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Thank you, I Know it’s a bit rough and it’s harder to build fun puzzle then playing them XD
I have this concept for a while and had originally designed it intended for touch controls on mobile phones. I have not seen any similar games though it got some inspiration from wire connect.

I’m not sure that I get a buzz sound on mine
I do apologise for the slow black screen load times

I have play tested a couple times and the “kill screen” blocks seem to be random something I don’t get them at all it’s just reading garage from the SD card since it’s end of file I think

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added the sourcecode of this project since i still had it and its not under active development, might be of intrest to someone who wants to have more colors on screen witout using allot of ram