[Game]Crabator by R0d0t


This is a port of the Crabator game from Gamebuino. Original by R0d0t (Aurelién Rodot), ported to Pokitto by Jonne

New Pokitto binary, flash it on device or put it on SD card root:

crabator.bin (50.4 KB)

Music file, put it in “/music” folder on SD card

bitburnr.snd (2.9 MB)

Source code on mbed:

Music info:

Music: BitBurner - I’m Busy Saving The World
Music by: BitBurner Follow him at http://twitter.com/bitburner
Download the track FREE here: http://thebitburner.com/arcade-music/
Visit BitBurner’s site for more FREE goodies! http://thebitburner.com
BitBurner’s Music is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. http://thebitburner.com/music-license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b


Wow what a beautiful port and recolor! Great job Jonne!

Ahem! Waiting for jetpac. :grin:

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Nice! I am porting some Gamebuino games to Arduboy for my repository: http://arduboy.ried.cl while adding some stuff too, like Digger:

Arduboy version:

Can you do a small tutorial how did you ported those to Pokitto? It seems fun to port and add color and new features.


Tutorials coming. The [Game] system will be extended to [Tutorials], [Wiki] and [Videos] and I can use the same automation to create pages using Discourse


Source code added on mbed community page


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Sound works!

As i love my arduboy i would be happy to see some more ports if someone would like to do this😉


Ahaaa!! In anticipation for a new gamedisk, I’m releasing a version with kickass music and optimized new PokittoLib (see thread beginning)


Yes, one of my most loved games!

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Great song! It reminds of
Patric Catani and his album The horrible plans of Flex Busterman

edit the game is also good of course!