Pokitto Mac Loader App v1.0

Pokitto BinCopy for Mac… I kind of like that.


pok-bin-copy.exe (or whatever macs have instead of .exe) :P

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What sd card loader?
Im currently looking into adding also repo downloads from online to pokitto
So it will both load local bin and from online
Could add sd card aswell but unsure on how reliable that can be selecting the right drive

Basically im Working on the one stop shop application, will build windows/Linux versions soon

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How about: Pokitto Connect?

…or if you want to go even more out there: LOADitto :wink:


Currently the program itself is called pokitto.app and the window is the “pokitto loader”


thats just a game bundle though? not an application

No, there is a program called LOA.DER that is the loader that loads games from the SD card. Its a special binary for Pokitto. I just thought it might cause confusion


well now i am confused, whats this LOA.DER supposed to do?
do you need it on the sd card?

Its the program that allows you to switch games from the SD card.

It is on the SD card, and when a Pokitto program starts, it is automatically updated to Pokitto memory if needed

ok, i still dont know a better name for the app that isnt itself confusing

Some names already suggested in this topic. What do you think about one of them? I think Pokitto Connect is good (suggested by @VonBednar)

im unsure, connect has a different value to me as its usually used as a event (conference) or in my own language it realy sounds to much like the kinect :confounded:
i also see forums use it so thats confusing to

im looking at turning this app in a one stop shop application

experimenting with integrating mbed into the app

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what tools are you using to develop this?

original app was made using c++ and glfw
but to be more cross platform and allowing mbed website to be embedded im switching over to electron
i found that there are library’s for electron offering shell commands so i can port the current code to upload files on the pokitto

also it would solve the ui for the game repo since that can also use web technology
@jonne if you have any idea or way to port the simulator to emscipten/webassambly we could also run that in the same program, a bit like arduino IDE provides everything you would need for arduino programming

we just need scripting (python) to do the transpiling steps. doable.

no way to use javascript for that?

we could stick with mbed if we could emulate the device in js wen reading the binary’s maybe
might be a little complicated

version 0.2 now working
sadly using electron made this large download im unsure if theres a way to optimise it

here its in the dock :stuck_out_tongue:


for the windows and linux version i need assistance since i do not fully understand the mounting locations
especially on windows the D E F G… drives makes it hard to know wich is what
the system uses shell commands so no bat stuff sadly