[Wiki]Everything there is to know about TAS Mode

I’m getting a scrambled mess when I try to flip a sprite. Is the lasted femto pokittolib up to date?

This bug was fixed after the last FemtoIDE release. New FemtoIDE and PyInSky releases will be made later today.


Cool :sunglasses:

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PyInSky and PokittoPython examples updated. :+1:


Looks like line endings have been lost (both in PyInsky and PokittoPython) for the “Tilemap” and “Tilemap TAS” projects. I checked that they are stille there in the zips I delivered.

Edit: Also “\” chars that should be before the line endings are missing.

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I don’t suppose there’s a 16 colour mode at all?

You can use 16-color bitmaps with TAS by calling Pokitto::Display::setColorDepth(4) and drawing them with drawBitmap. That’s how PyInSky works.

I tried to use 16-color tiles in TASMODE, but it does not look correct.
I called Pokitto::Display::setColorDepth(4) and changed my (only) tile to 16-color mode.


It works when using 256-color tiles and setColorDepth(8). This is how it should look like.

The Tilemap class would have to store the bpp per tile for that to work, which isn’t the case; additionally, TAS’s underlying screen tilemap isn’t storing either the bpp per cell (only a pointer to a 8bpp bitmap of the right size) as well.

I’m not aware of a global bpp that would allow it to run in 16-color either for all tiles.

@carbonacat: If the color depth is set to 4 when Pokitto::Display::update is called (ie, before calling Core::update()), then all the tiles are drawn in 16-color mode.

@Hanski: is that how you’re setting the depth?


I am calling setColorDepth(4) during the game initialization. Does something set it back to 8?

Found it. The pixelCopySolid4BPP() function actually treats 0 as a transparent pixel :wink:
Works after the change below.

void pixelCopySolid4BPP(uint8_t *line, const uint8_t *src, uint32_t w, uint32_t sx){
        auto b = (sx&1)?
        //!!HV if(b) *line = b;
	*line = b;