The list of upcoming games for Pokitto!


I was thinking it would be nice to have a list of upcoming games for Pokitto.
images (1)
…(or coming later) in Pokitto near you!

Here are the currently active wip games (in the order when added to the list). Let’s use this list only for games that are in active development.

1) Arcadia Strikers by @gibs

  • a space shooter
  • The first level has been released, the second one under work

2) Prelude to a Dream by @tuxinator2009

  • a massive (in the Pokitto scale :wink: ) RPG
  • Chapters 1 & 2 out already. Chapter 3 under work.

3) Joe 2 by @spinal

4) Armadillo by @FManga

5) Planet Escape by @wuuff

  • a survival/exploration game inspired by Terraria and Starbound.
  • Updates are infrequent, but game is still under development.

6) V-Robot by @torbuntu

7) Escarmouche by @carbonacat

  • A battle simulator game
    2021-06-03 - Escarmouche - 2 - Battle
    Let the battle begin!

8) A mystery game Zodiac Master from @HomineLudens and @Vampirics


  • Estimated release: The end of August, 2022

Feel free to modify this list!


Fun! Will this be a pinned “living” post? Like, will games cycle in and out? And if so, maybe a screenshot / gif under each?

And is it just honor system for being realistic and removing your project if you let it idle too long? Because, y’know… game dev…

Edit: Hmm, I guess you really answered all of my questions in the first paragraph… I should read closer :stuck_out_tongue: But still: gifs?


This is the first I think I’ve seen this one. Who is working on this!? Is this your project @Hanski?? Crabator was one of the most played games when I first got Pokitto! So I am definitely curious about this.

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That one’s me. I should say that Crabator was the initial inspiration, but it has gotten away from that and become its own thing. It’s more of a slight nod in Crabator’s direction at this point. Here’s a gif (didn’t know if I should put it in the wiki and clog up the post):



Wow!! Now you got me interested Jackal is one of my favourite NES games! :smiley:


Wow!! That looks great! Now I’m definitely excited even more!


That looks awesome already. Love the graphics on it.


Yes, please add the gif there!


Definitely looking forward to this too!! Pokitto could definitely use some more solid platformers like the original Joe :wink:


Oooooh, topdown andfree building destruction in a vehicle :eyes:

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Well once PtaD and Pinball is done I’ve got all the core story/gameplay worked out for a metroidvania style platformer, but thats a long ways off :wink:

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Wow, whopping 7 games in the works!

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Added anims and stills where I could find one. @spinal, any teasers of joe2?

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There’s probably a couple on the discord channel.

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Added a gif animation.

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I love this list already! Lots to look forward to :slight_smile:

I should take my list of projects more seriously and try to find one I can add :eyes: but I broke my femtoIDE install and haven’t worked on anything in months :cry: I should fix that…


same for the list of projects haha

  • I’m working on a common engine for both ARIAT (vehicular/cyberpunk) and Escarmouche (tactical/military, followup of TAZS).
  • I technically have a few prototypy GIFs (including a core-working prototype for Escarmouche), but I haven’t made them any of them an active project yet.
  • Most likely, Escarmouche is going to be the upcoming. (I need a full-game with a defined scope to proof my engine, so I can use it reliably for ARIAT which is going to be quite big)
  • I’ll start a devlog for Escarmouche when I’ll go back to it (probably next week)

Do we get the 8th game to the list then? :wink:

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The thread is a great idea, especially i am not hanging out on the discord server. I am on discord, but i hardly manage to keep track


Added V-Robot to the list. 8 games total.