Pokkito / pokito kickstarter

uhmmm, ??


Nice cup, i like the name!


Well, @jonne said he wants to do another crowdfunding campaign :stuck_out_tongue:

But seriously, I find it funny that this cup uses basically the same shade of green for their branding :slight_smile:

Edit: changing cap to cup

why is that on kickstarter?
i seen these self collapsable bowls and cups from tuberware type companies back in the 90s

I think the innovation is that it is recyclable.

not only that. check out the first pokitto logo from 2016:

i decided it was too generic. the font is almost identical to the one used in the Pokito cup


Well, if you ever do a pokkito game jam you can give the winner a real Pokito Cup (as a… you know trophy cup) :grin:


Have they shipped? Do you know?

We soon need a cup based game for pokkito.


according to there updates they have been sending the first batch.

Ball in cup game ? XD

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That could work if i would add this “hat” :


It works for the arduino, could Pokitto handle something like this ?

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the pin out is not compatible with pokitto so it will need a bridge/converter board for the wiring
but yes those modules could work

Well it is the Best game ever.