Pokitto JoyHat

I am not yet using the right joystick component. I just got them on friday. Just hold on 1 day and I’ll tell you which way it goes


The Joystick axis with the final component are as follows:


Pictures do not do any justice to how smooth and playable this feels


Great!! Is it just me or that looks like Spy Hunter? Anyway it’s great to see that hat in use.

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No its not just you. I was trying to get a SpyHunterish game running and did the demo here in … maybe 1 hour? @HomineLudens ’ Img2Pok is a miracle tool

Running in 220x176x16 color mode (mode15)


Sketch of what fits on the screen:


EDIT: the small thumbstick is perfect for this type of game. Its not just a bit kind of good. It feels spot on.

Oh yeah, the binary if anyone wants to see how it looks:

spydrivr.bin (39.8 KB)


Is that a washing machine/dryer I hear? :smiley:

Dishwasher :blush:


I now want to make:

  • 1942 type of game
  • a Spy Hunter homage
  • Vectrex emulation
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And wow. That only took 1 hour??

Less than that.

Making games / demos on Pokitto is actually not as difficult as many people seem to think.

I really need to make a tutorial video of how I do stuff myself.


I would really like to see that! I have the most trouble with finding an hour to throw at it :slight_smile:

I tried to load the demo but my car just drifted off the top of the screen lol

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Did it Tokyo drift :D?

I think the main reason people struggle is the lack of documentation.
I find I often want to do something but aren’t sure which function does what I want.

In particular, I think the button API has some odd name choices.
I think something closer to the Arduboy’s pressed, notPressed, justPressed and justReleased would be easier to get to grips with.
(And maybe some others if the ‘number of frames held’ functionality is desirable.)

(I started designing a replacement API once, but I forgot where I put it.)

Are those the read_u16() values or read() * 100 ?
I’d like to use the u16 values to avoid floats, but I can work with floats if need be.

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In the Nokia N-Gage there were a nice portrait layout pinball game named Mile High Pinball:

Your aim is to go higher and higher up. That game would make a good use of the rumble too.


Glad it help!

I think for this, a small joystick calibration tool might be a good idea. There is the possibility that some sticks might not go from 0 to 1 fully. (my test stick is from a wii unnchuck and does not).

Looks great though!

That might be due to a rounding error from when the integer emitted by the ADC is mapped onto the 0-1 floating point range, or perhaps a voltage difference or wiring issue.

Typically the mapping is something like:

float map(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max)
	return out_min + ((x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min));

float mappedValue = map(input, 0, 1023, 0.0f, 1.0f);
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@jonne Here’s a quick test thing I tried, does it work as expected with the real thing?

worm_stick.bin (39.9 KB)

[edit] have a go at colliding with the body :slight_smile:

Works really well! And rumbles! :wink: