This is a bog standard Pokitto with no external hardware driving the VGA signal from the PEX connector.
Horizontal sync is generated with PWM from EXT0. Period 32uSec, HSync pulse width 32 minus 27 uSec.
EXT0 goes through a 47Ohm resistor to VGA HSync. Output of EXT0 is looped back to EXT1, which is set as Interrupt In to detect the horizontal sync firing. This is attached to a horizontal line counter interrupt function, that takes care of vertical sync. EXT4 is feeding the VSYNC of the VGA through a 47Ohm resistor
Red signal connected via voltage divider (0.7V max) to R signal of VGA connector.
Thats it. Took 2 hours and a bit of study.
Edit: this was a quick proof of concept. The picture is still not stable horizontally. But the monitor detects the signal as 640x480@60Hz and does not complain so that’s half the battle won right there.
Oh thats easy to explain. The VGA signal is actually very timing sensitive. HSync is supposed to occur at exactly 31.78 uSec period and last for 3.8 uSec or something like that. I’m throwing it 32 uS and 4 uSish
its neat that your sending derectly from pokitto, but this seems very timing critical might it be better to use an external chip to buffer the video and render it? like arduino tv out or a tinyFPGA might be better or some other cheap chip
Yep I agree with you. I just wanted to see what the standard Pokitto with just a couple of cheap resistors can do. We can always improve from this. Now we know its possible to do.
I realized there should be an easy way to make the horizontal clock dead accurate.
PWM is just a counter with a value. I can delay or kick the counter forwad at the end of each line by a set amount to land it exactly at the required pulse width. Doh.
I can’t get the horizontal dimension under control
Reading / writing pwm->Count results in hard fault. This is what led me to the wrong conclusion: scope was showing rock solid 32uS but in fact MCU was in hard fault (brain dead) evwn though PWM was still pushing a signal.
The problem is that the hsync is off by a few microseconds. There seems to be no way to recalibrate the pwm per line
Timers are not accurate enough, because we need parts of microseconds accuracy (<1000000 of a second)
I was able to get 28 scruffy vertical lines. Nowhere near enough.
Too much power? It’s like an LPC11u68 but with 512kb of flash instead of 256kb. Still has 32kb of RAM, similar clock speed.
The major difference being support for 32-bit instructions instead of just thumb2.
Yep. That is rock-solid VGA signal coming out of Pokitto using only PWM0 from EXT0 pin to generate HSync.
Meaning every Pokitto without additional hardware is capable of this.
Story behind this.
Back when ARM7TDMI was the thing and dinosaurs roamed the land, VGA was still very much a thing to need. Therefore examples of how it was done on the ARM7TDMI could be discovered.
A little bit of reverse-engineering, some oscilloscoping, a new idea and: presto!
I want to tell a little bit more about this case, because it is so interesting.
So, 2 weeks ago I tried to generate VGA with Pokitto. I could get a picture but the sync was all over the place. The picture was shimmering and glitching.
Turns out clean VGA is not exactly easy to make: you have to be within very small time windows. For example, horizontal sync only lasts 3.77 microseconds.
So 2 weeks ago I abandoned the idea, thinking some sort of external chip is needed. Especially if Pokitto has only 1 PWM signal free.
One evening, I was looking at ways of generating VGA from FPGA projects to Parallax Propellers and so on. I came across 10 year old videos of Philips LPC2148 (ARM7TDMI) driving VGA.
I found that an old LPC2148 dev kit had a VGA connector (NGX Blueboard) and its schematics and sources from ~2004-2006 were still available on google code.
I then ordered a NXP2148 stamp board from Ebay (, zero documentation of course.
It arrived last week and today I got to give it a spin. After that it was easy to see how they did the VGA signal in the NGX source code, and then adapt it for Pokitto. Biggest problems were to acquaint myself with the internals of the ARM7TDMI, fix the ancient source code so that it would compile and finally figure out a way to do it on the single available PWM on the Pokitto
I KNOW I should be doing other stuff but I need this kind of small achievements to remain motivated