Mode13 - 110x88x256

Is this working now?

Gonna check that in a moment

I just noticed i forgot to add drawbitmap routinesā€¦

Well, thatā€™s odd, I canā€™t find anything in drawbitmap that even attempts to draw 8bpp, yet it half worksā€¦ That is, Iā€™m drawing a full screen image (110x88) and only the first half draws, I assumed because it would only attempt to read half of the pixel array, yet all of the colours are correct, which means somewhere it is reading 8bpp image data, but only displaying half of it. I can;t figure it out :frowning:

Thats 1.16 million pixels per second out of a 48mhz cortex m0 by the way.

How are you calculating the pixels per second? 110x88x30 would be 290,400 pixels per second wouldnā€™t it?

Currently it is limited @20fps

Do you have an estimate of when youā€™re going to remove that limit? I havenā€™t looked into writing my own fps calculation, but the one included in the library causes a pretty significant slow down so Iā€™m not sure what Iā€™m getting right now. This was an older post so if it has already been removed carry on lol.

Buffer is 110x88 for saving memory. LCD dram is still 220x176.

At 30 fps, 30x220x176=1.16 million pixels need to be sent to the display per second

And, there is no 20 fps limit in the HW. Only in the sim

Just put #define PROJ_FPS 40 in your My_settings.h

Do you mean slowdown with PROJ_USE_FPS_COUNTER in HW or on simulator? When you have downloaded your copy of PokittoLib?

I can reproduce the slowness now. I will fix that.

@jonne cool, Iā€™ll do that. That makes sense.

@Hanski yeah, thatā€™s the define I was referring to.

I assume that this mode wonā€™t work in the pokitto_sim? With it having different source files etc.

Hi @spinal. The Pokitto_sim is built to emulate the working of the LCD perfectly. You can implement any mode you want. Only thing missing is the hardware scroll calls & windowing calls

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I just downloaded the latest pikittolib and examples, the one including waveplayer and mode13 seems to not be included.

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Excellent opportunity for a pull request! :slight_smile:

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I might have updated pokittolib directlyā€¦

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No problem! I will check if it works.

Works perfectly on hardware, I added the plasma demo in this thread as an example.

I will also now add it as a PokittoSim target

Thanks for the hard work @spinal !

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Yay! Mode13 now functional in both hardware and simulator (see Examples/Mode13)

This is the cool plasma demo by @Spinal ā€¦ runs very nicely on hardware by the way


Alert @spinal !

I went throught the entire history of code I had gotten from you. Nowhere was the mode13 version of drawbBitmap present.

It is possible that you never pushed that code anywhere.

Please try to revert back to whatever version you were using with your Solitaire game and send me that code somehow.

Correction, I found it.

And it is already in the drawBitmap function. Why it was not working Iā€™m not sure

so itā€™s working now or not?