Micropython recommendations

Hey can anyone recommend a good inexpensive guidebook to learn mictopython? Preferably aimed at kids and beginners without being too dumbed down?

I do not know, but Micropython in Pokitto is a subset of Python + our own gaming library.

So any beginner level Python guide should do well.

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I really like this book: Invent with Python . It’s what got me going with programming about 10 years ago.

It’s aimed at kids, it’s free, and it walks through things step by step going from the interactive shell up to graphics. Also, every lesson is aimed at building some kind of small “game” so I think the structure is more fun.

That being said, the fundamental idea is a little less about learning python and a bit more about the basics of getting into written code, so… YMMV.


I also like this page Learn Python Programming

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Cool I looked up the invent book, looks like it’s been turned into a here are some things to type in book. I’ll look at the link tomorrow, got it open in a fab.