MicroPython progress

Thanks, this is very good feedback! I will look if I can easily enable help and uos. The machine module is by the name “umachine”.

Here is the configuration of Pokitto port where you can see which modules are enabled:

What do you mean that reboot is not possible?

My understanding is that mpconfigport is a list of capabilities, not modules. But I normally just use it to add/move devices around.

Control-D didn’t work as described here: http://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/pyboard/reference/repl.html?highlight=reset#soft-reset. Instead of a soft reset, it just exits the REPL.

BTW, if you want a simple-to-implement powerful way to get to IO, it’s the LPC equivalent of the stm module. This has 3 real objects - mem8, mem16 and mem32 (I believe they’re actually defined in the machine module) and then a bunch of integer constants for the bases and offsets into the various registers in the device, copied directly from the user manual of the chip. Probably want to call it lpc or nxp instead of stm, though.

Here’s some excerpts from the help for that module, showing a few GPIO values:

>>> help(stm)
object <module 'stm'> is of type module
  __name__ -- stm
  mem8 -- <8-bit memory>
  mem16 -- <16-bit memory>
  mem32 -- <32-bit memory>
  TIM2 -- 1073741824
  GPIOA -- 1073872896
  GPIOB -- 1073873920
  GPIOC -- 1073874944
  GPIO_PUPDR -- 12
  GPIO_IDR -- 16
  GPIO_ODR -- 20
  GPIO_BSRR -- 24

So I could toggle an LED on the STM with something like:

from stm import *

mem16[GPIOA + GPIO_MODER] |= 1 << (2 * 4)  # Set GPIOA Pin 4 to output

turn_on = True
while True:
   if turn_on:
        mem16[GPIOA + GPIO_BSRR] = 1 << 4  # Set Pin A4 high
        mem16[GPIOA + GPIO_BRR] = 1 << 4 # Set Pin A4 low
   turn_on = !turn_on

You can also enable/disable internal (C-impl) Python modules in mpconfigport.h, like e.g. MICROPY_PY_FRAMEBUF enables the framebuf module.

I have now enabled help() in REPL. I also updated GC heap to have 20 kb of memory.

Umachine looks to have those memx objects. Would you care to test if they actually work?

pythrepl.bin (190.5 KB)

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Ok, latest report.

The REPL control function processing isn’t there at all - no auto-indent, can’t interrupt running code, etc. Those apparently configure to off by default. My guess would be this needs MICROPY_REPL_EVENT_DRIVEN.

While I can see the memx objects, I can’t test them because I can’t create integer values as big as the addresses of the IO port registers.

>>> GPIO_DIR2 = 0xA0002008
OverflowError: long int not supported in this build
>>> mem32[0xA0002008]
OverflowError: long int not supported in this build


I forked the source, but doing “make” in the ports/pokitto directory doesn’t work on Linux. Doing “make” in the ports/stm32 directory does. I’ll look into that next time I get some time.

I did find the documentation on the contents of the mpconfigport file: it’s in py/mpconfig.h.

I’d like the uos module in order to look at the flash file system, but that appears to be port specific, not a generic module. And it’s not clear that the flash file system is there yet.

Final question: is there a tutorial showing how to run a python script - preferably using the upygame module - somewhere?


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Just a quick answer for now. Not a tutorial, but an introduction:

Every time I see this thread I read it as ‘Monty Python Progress’…


Guess where Python got Its name from? Yes, thats right!


I commited latest changes to the repository. The readme.MD contains now information that should help you to get in working in Linux.

Is there any documentation on what is implemented and what still missing?

In generic level, I have implemented in uPyGame:

  • Surfaces (bitmaps)
  • Sprites
  • key event handling
  • Streaming Audio
  • Screen updates

Not all functions of those classes have been implemented and that is not the intention either. The proof of concept is the Mars Attack game, where all those classes have been used.


The upygame import module

Python Modules, Classes and methods provided:

(internally implemented in C language).

  • The event module

    • poll - Gets the next key event.
    • EventType - The key event data.
  • The display module

    • set_mode - Returns the screen surface.
    • flip- Updates the screen and subsustems (audio, events, etc.).
    • update - Updates the screen and subsustems (audio, events, etc.).
    • set_palette - Sets the palette with rgb colors.
    • set_palette16bit - Sets the palette with 16-bit colors.
  • The surface module

    • get_rect - Returns the surface rect.
    • fill - Fills the given rect with a color.
    • blit - Draws the surface to the screen.
    • setHwSprite - Defines a HW sprite.
    • setHwSpritePos -Changes the HW sprite position.
    • set_clip - Sets the clipping rect for the screen surface.
  • The mixer.Sound module

    • reset - Resets audio.
    • fill_buffer - Fills the buffer with audio data.
    • get_current_soundbuffer_index - Gets current sound buffer index.
    • get_current_soundbuffer_pos - Gets current position in the buffer.
    • get_soundbuffer_size - Gets the size of the sound buffer
    • play - Starts playing.
    • pause - Pauses palying.
  • The Rect class

    • colliderect - Checks if two rect collide.
    • x, y, width , height, centerx, centery - Rect data.

Additional Python classes

(implemented in Python language in a separate *.py file)


  • The Sprite class (different from HwSprite above). See the class for method descriptions.


Look for an usage in the Mars Attack game, where almost every module and class is used in.

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Maybe I’m wrong but surface.fill() seems not working as expected. Can you confirm it’s implemented?
Do you plan to implements also upygame.draw to manage primitives?

This is from Mars Attack:

screen.fill(0, dirtyRect)

Source is here: https://github.com/haviital/PokittoLib/blob/mars-attack-public/Pokitto/POKITTO_LIBS/MicroPython/src_py/main.py

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I am not right now going to implement primitives, but if there is demand I can do that.

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Updated short descriptions to each method in upygame in the post above.

Note: Just noticed that the (audio) mixer functions are missing from Gitlab (however they are there in PokittoLib). I will make a new commit to add it to the GitLab MP repo.

Does anyone else keep reading this topic as ‘monty python progress’?


yes, and it makes me smile every time :smiley:

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gets over 500 compiler errors
'Tis but a flesh wound


just keep fighting!:blush: