Before we get started plugging away at the 3rd Issue of the Pokitto Magazine, it would be a good idea to have some discussion with the community on ideas of what they want to see in a community based magazine.
It has been decided at a minimum that the cover will be Blue and it most definitely will be the most EPIC magazine. Most probably ever.
Suggested theme title has been “Sky’s the limit”.
So I am curious what everyone else thinks! What themes or ideas do you all have? What sort of content would you like to see? We had some good data collected over in @Hanski’s post here.
That was me, and I didn’t find a good phrase for what I was looking for.
All I know, mag 3 will be the Blue Issue and that everyone is free to start offering ideas and submissions for the magazine. I can’t say anything definite about a timeline, but I think Blue will be out in less time than the year it took between no1 and no2.