[Game]Potatochip games

I just updated Chao Adventure. I don’t know how well this game works stand-alone, the main interaction with your Chao was in the Sonic Adventure game, in the Chao Garden. The VMU mini-game was just meant to be a little extra feature, which explains why it has stats that might not make sense, like being able to choose the Chao’s color.

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Thanks! Yes, i know about the Chao minigame😉 I still have another version, i have to try what the vmu version exactly does.

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I didn’t know there was another version. Where’s it from?

I think i did play sonic advance 1 to raise my chao, i am not quite sure, habe to look it up.

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Interesting, I didn’t know Sega had made something similar for the GBA. Ich habe to look it up too. :slight_smile:

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Maybe also interesting:

That’s where I’ve been getting these. :slight_smile:
I just added 3 more to the first post.


So, did try both chao vmu games. Saves work, but you don’t have access to the clock and the Data can be changed but not saved (as for the owner data). Maybe these are elements that are connected to the vmu hardware…

Yeah, for that to work I’d have to implement support for actual saving (game modifies itself), not save states (a snapshot of what the game is doing at the time).
I’ve had an idea of how to do it, but I’m not sure if it’s worth the effort. In ChaoAdventure 1, the Chao dies and resets rather quickly. I’m not sure if that’s the case in ChaoAdventure 2. :thinking:


I really dont know, i even don’t know if you could really raise the chao and get enough food or items.
So we still need a original virtual pet for pokitto (it has arms and legs already- would fit perfectly😆).

You can do that in Pokitto also! Just look up the flash API in the LPC11U68! Easy! (not :grin:)

Heh, I actually gave it a quick look. From what I understand, the flash API only works with blocks (so you have to write an entire block at a time) while the VMU can write individual bytes.

I’m thinking of copying the entire game to the SD card on startup and having a bitfield in RAM indicate where to read from. By default it’d read from flash, but if the bit for a block is set, read from SD. It’d also save the bitfield in the same file.
Might need to have a cache in the way to reduce IO.

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