
This is a port of my tower defense game MicroTD originally written for Arduboy. I’ve rewritten it from C++ to C and made it platform independent with my SAF engine, plus I’ve added color and one extra map. As always, all is CC0.

utd_screens utd

As a SAF game it runs in 64x64 resolution, so far there are two ways to display this on pokitto: 64x64 in the middle or stretched to maximum with preserved aspect ratio (looks a bit distorted), EDIT: added fullscreen upscale. I may look into more ways of scaling this.

small game manual:

  tower     $  range speed damage upgrades              notes
  guard     8  *      **    *     +range,  +speed       Shoots arrows.
  cannon    8  *      *     *     +range,  +damage      Does splash damage.
  ice      17  *      *           +speed,  +range       Slows down enemies.
  electro  30  **     *     **    +damage, shock        Shoots lightning.
  sniper   45  *****  **    **    +speed,  +range       Covers huge range.
  magic    60  *      *     *     +damage, speed aura   Support tower.
  water   100  ***    ***   ****  +range                Can knock enemies back.
  fire    100  ***    **    ****  +range                Does splash damage.

  creep      hp    speed $ notes            attacked by: G  C  I  E  S  M  W  F 
  spider     *      **   1                               .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
  lizard     *      ***  1                               .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
  snake      **     **   1                               .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
  wolf       ***    **   1 Good against cold.            .  . 50% .  .  .  .  .
  bat        **     ***  1                               .  NO .  .  .  .  .  .    
  ent        ****   *    2                               .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
  big spider ***    **   2 Spawns 2 small ones on death. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
  ghost      ***    **   2                               NO NO .  .  NO .  .  .
  ogre       *****  **   3                               .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
  dino       *****  ***  3                               .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
  demon      *****  ***  3 Supposed to make you lose.    NO NO NO NO NO NO .  .



I guess TD comes from Tower Defence.


Yes, forgot to mention.


I love it! I used to spend so much time in TD games so I’m definitely loving this one! I may even need to try my hand at making a TD game sometime :grin: (after I make more progress on other projects heh.)


This game has been missing from the Gamedisk!!!

If it is OK for you @drummyfish , I will add the big version with the following POP art

utd_banner copy


MicroTD.pop (261.8 KB)

Robot in the banner courtesy of Wuhu (CC0) Robot Sprite | BrawlBot | OpenGameArt.org


If it is OK for you @drummyfish , I will add the big version with the following POP art

Sure, I’ll be glad, thanks :slight_smile: