
Font 3x3
Font 3x3

Font 3x5
Font 3x5

Font 5x7
Font 5x7

Font Adventurer
Font Adventurer

Font C64
Font C64

Font C64UIGfx
Font C64UIGfx

Font Donut 7x10
Font Donut 7x10

Font Dragon 6x8
Font Dragon 6x8

Font Karateka 8x11
Font Karateka 8x11

Font Koubit 7x7
Font Koubit 7x7

Font Mini 4x6
Font Mini 4x6

Font Monkey
Font Monkey

Font Runes 6x8
Font Runes 6x8

Font TIC80 6x6
Font TIC806x6

Font Tight 4x7
Font Tight 4x7

Font Tiny 5x7
Font Tiny 5x7

Font ZX Spec
Font ZX Spec


Thanks, that’s really helpful. It can be quite difficult to decide which font to use for a game… and then you keep re-compiling to try them out in-game or something. :slight_smile:

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Which one do you prefer?
I like the C64.

The Koubit 7x7 seems very good, and I never saw it before.

Koubit’s my favourite.

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amazing! Can someone transform this threat as a wiki? this is definitely a useful resource to have there!

I like the dragon font but it’s difficult to read for long texts.

Koubit is best for retro-style and readibility, in my opinion. :slight_smile:

it is now a wiki