Emulator availability

fair enugh, im not sure but that highscore is posibly saved in eeprom

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Oh, now I see what you mean. I havenā€™t checked the eeprom yet, but I suspect itā€™s OK. Here the problem is simply with displaying the number. From 09 it doesnā€™t go to 10. I think it goes to the next letter in the font, then gibberish. :stuck_out_tongue:

Please elaborate and we will make it so

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While the forums are good enough for users to download games, theyā€™re harder to use for third-party software. @eriedā€™s repo makes it easy to make tools that can browse and download games.

Granted, each communityā€™s needs are going to be different and a repo might not make sense here. I was just speaking from the perspective of what would be convenient for the emulator.

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Thatā€™s magic!
But not working with my bin

Keep working @FManga this is really awesome


As far as I know, nobody else has done rumble, so if by standard you mean 100% of rumble games using those pins, I guess so. However, I should change it to use 1 pin and GND, rather than 2 pins.

I think it need some discussion though, I personally thing a rumble hat is a good idea.

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In a word (or rather, url):

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Thanks! Iā€™m still trying to track that bug down. >_<

I assume you know that ā€œincomplete charsetsā€ (containing only caps and numbers) are possible on Pokitto for saving memory?

Yup, I had noticed.
In the case of Sensitive, something is breaking inside sprintf.
Iā€™ve been able to isolate it to this test case:

          char text[20];
          sprintf( text, "%d", 99 );
          gb.display.print( text );

This prints a double-quotation mark, while gb.display.print(99) prints 99, so itā€™s not a charset problem.
Itā€™s probably some arithmetic instruction messing up a carry flag. Iā€™ll have to step through it to find out. >_<

As for @HomineLudensā€™s game, it looks like I missed a memory alignment somewhere since that same screen works in other bins.

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In terms of what is needed for third-party software, wouldnā€™t a simple api work? Since I think Jonne already simply pulls posts tagged [game] from the forums for the games and apps gallery (and grabs the first image in the post), all that would be needed would be a way to retrieve the download link automatically from the posts and then the data could be served as json. The hard part is getting that download link, but maybe thereā€™s something jonne could set up with the forums?

Yup, thatā€™d workā€¦ especially if CORS headers and permissions are set. Right now, direct links to attachments donā€™t have CORS and services like cors-anywhere donā€™t seem to work with them.

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I can enable CORS from Discourse settings

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Ah, I didnā€™t know that was an option. Can we give it a try?

At least I got it runā€¦ I still have other bugs to fix:


Will it be possible to run this emulator offline at some point?


Yes, as a nwjs app on windows/linux/mac and Cordova on android. Iā€™m not sure the arm core is going to run well on android, though. While emulating instructions is pretty fast in webassembly, GPIO is slow right now.

@HomineLudens: Is the source code to that bin available somewhere? Itā€™d help me debug.

Edit: Got the score to work in Sensitive! It was a bug in ASR/LSR with shifts greater than 31.


@FManga sent. Keep in mind is a WIP with learning purpose.

Thanks! No problem, I just want to be able to set some breakpoints and step through it.