Discourse Forum maintenance costs

Thanks for understanding. It’s no criticism to “moan” about anything here (if this was the case i wouldn’t stil be here :laughing:).
It’s just my point of view and my two cents from the gamer’s perspective.
I am among the biggest pokitto fans among gamers for sure (the same goes for RetroRob i think).


Now I regret not asking if you were affected.

Whenever there’s been a major disaster before and I’ve asked people if they’re alright, I’ve been told that it hasn’t affected them, so after a while I felt a bit silly for asking.

Never apologise for a long explanation.
It shows you care, and it shows that you’re engaged with what’s going on.

This raises some important questions.

What does the Pokitto want to be?
What is the end goal?

I get the impression most of us have different opinions about what the Pokitto is and what it should be.

This is another reason I prefer the forum.
It’s relatively easy to catch up on what’s been said, and it’s easy to know what you haven’t read yet.

When the conversation is divided between two platforms, it creates a two-tier system, and those of us who don’t or won’t use Discord are left in the dark about what gets discussed there. That most likely includes outside visitors who might be thinking about joining the forum.

This is the one thing I can’t agree with you on.

To me, without the forum the Pokitto loses a lot of its appeal.
The forum is how developers share knowledge with each other, it’s how games are announced and it’s how people give feedback about games.

I can imagine other arrangements that might achieve the same effect, but none that gather those things together in the same centralised way that a forum does.

If the forum really had to die, the best (‘free’) alternative I can think of is Reddit because it’s the only thing that comes close to having the same features, but I don’t think it would feel quite the same.

Don’t even get me started. I wouldn’t touch Fortnite with a barge pole, and I had to look up what Apex Legends is.

One of the reasons I like Steam is because it gives me chance to buy and experience some of those old games from the golden age of video games that I otherwise might not get chance to experience. Myst & Riven, Monkey Island, Portal.

I see your point, though personally I don’t think it’s that big a deal to have already-animating images. I think still images can be just as attention-drawing, and then videos are a good supplement when you’ve already caught people’s attention.

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I am very sorry to hear that you have suffered from the flood. I hope everything will get normal as soon as possible.

It is very good to hear direct and honest opinions from someone who really loves Pokitto and the community around it.

I also think having special or improved versions of Pokitto HW would be desirable for many people, much like Arduventure and FX versions of Arduboy.


I am ok (we prepared for evacuation, but had unbelievable luck!) - thank you for asking, my workplace is totally destroyed though, will look to help there tomorrow.

I don’t think the forum is useless (far from it), but thought there might be other options, i am not sure what might be the best for all of us…

I exactly wanted to raise the question what pokitto wants to be and what people may expect from it - you got me totally right there!


Forum costs now down to 27-30 USD per month

… I arranged the backups to be a bit more sensible. There were too many concurrent backups.



Is the ‘sponsor the forum for a month and gain undying love from Jonne’ a thing? It suddenly got more affordable at 27 - 30 USD!