This is an official release of my raycasting demos – they’re pretty old by now, nothing new. I decided not to release this officially until overclocking was announced, since I experimented with that at the time classified piece of technology
However, the demos got pretty optimized and don’t require overclocking at all – it just adds some nice extra smoothness – you can compare the provided bins below.
sum up
I created a C library for fast and efficient advanced raycasting (a kind of technique used in old 2.5/3D games) – it runs on many platforms, not just Pokitto, but also PC and other consoles. This is good because you can create a game that runs natively on many platforms – your game can run in high resolution on PC, but also be playable on Pokitto.
Using that library I created a few demos to showcase and test it – there are three demos for Pokitto.
This is intended to be reusable, so go ahead and make your own game with it. Everything is documented in the repositories, in READMEs and in the code itself. If anything’s unclear, ask me.
Also thanks goes to the members of community who helped me optimize this for the Pokitto HW, I couldn’t have done that alone.
As a next step I’d like to proof-of-concept combine raycastlib and small3dlib in a single program – I’ve been designing both libs so that they can be used together. The idea is to render the big environment with raycasting, which is fast, and then render some small 3D objects over it. Let’s see.
The environment is rendered with raycastlib, the cubes with small3dlib. Nice to see something working right away. (You just have to keep the two cameras in different coordinate systems synced, but that’s it). FPS is great, even without overclocking or optimizations here.
I was able to run this in FemtoIDE. FemtoIDE has this super nice feature of autoconverting images to hex arrays. But when I tried this with one of the textures in the demo1, the texture was screwed up. Is there an endianess or transpose that the raycast demo expects that the auto conversion is not doing?
Ah thanks! Also I love your work on Arduboy and Pokitto! Thanks for doing all the heavy lifting on the raycast engine! Looking forward to playing around with it.