PokittoPOP Guided Programmer (Win&Mac) v0.1

Pronto! Italian added.

(French, German speakers? It’s not a long list to translate)

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This is a friendly warning.

Unless I get translations from native speakers, I will start translating myself. I won’t even bother with google translate.

It will be ugly.

“Comment kan vous koppla votre Pokitto ganz deinem PC”

(this is a joke, ofcourse. But help would be appreciated)

Wow you scared me, so i just had to provide the french translation.

English French
Browse Explorer
Help Aide
Program Programme
Choose a program file (.bin) Choisissez un programme (.bin)
Connect Pokitto … not connected Connectez le Pokitto … non connecté
Connect Pokitto … connected! Connectez le Pokitto … connecté!
Connecting Pokitto for programming: Connection au Pokitto pour le programmer:
Do Step 1: turn off Pokitto Étape 1: Mettez le Pokitto hors tension
Do Step 2: connect Pokitto with USB cable to PC Étape 2: branchez le Pokitto au PC à l’aide d’un câble USB
Do Step 3: Press and HOLD lower button at the back Étape 3: appuyer et maintenir le bouton inférieur à l’arrière
Do Step 4: while STILL HOLDING back button, turn Pokitto back on Étape 4: tout en maintenant le bouton, mettre le Pokitto sous tension
Ready! You can close this help. If you are still not connected, do this wizard again. Prêt! Vous pouvez fermer ce didactiel, si vous n’êtes toujours pas connecté, recommencez la procédure.

Yes! Intimidation works !

Merci Beaucoup @Vampirics, je vais ajoute(r?) la langue francais immediatement!

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Merci Beaucoup @Vampirics, je vais ajouter la langue française immédiatement!


That was close enough.


Et maintennant, notre petite logiciel d’assitance parler Français aussi!

Merçi Stephane

I was about to nominate @Vampirics, but I just spotted he got in there first. :P

@Zockeromi provided the German translation for Minesweeper.

So maybe if we ask really nicely…

(And if she’s too busy, perhaps her cat can lend a hand? :P)

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If it has time till the weekend then yes

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sure, no problem!

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I like it! it’s almost as good as my .bat installer! :stuck_out_tongue:

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‘Bat installer’? Any relation to the ‘Shark Repellent Bat Spray’?

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@Zockeromi don’t worry about the format, I need to copy-paste the phrases one by one in any case

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I did send it again, hope it is of any use.

How did you send it? I do not see it in my email inbox or my PMs.

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Hi Nicole! Two phrases missing:

Connecting Pokitto for programming:


Connect Pokitto … not connected

I’ve managed to piece together most of it, but as @jonne says there’s some missing:

English German
Browse Durchsuchen
Help Hilfe
Program programmieren
Choose a program file (.bin) wähle eine Pro-grammdatei (.bin)
Connect Pokitto … not connected Verbinde Pokitto … ???
Connect Pokitto … connected! Verbinde Pokitto … Verbunden!
Connecting Pokitto for programming: ???
Do Step 1: turn off Pokitto Schritt 1: Schalte Pokitto
Do Step 2: connect Pokitto with USB cable to PC Schritt 2: Verbinde Pokitto mittels USB Kabel mit dem PC
Do Step 3: Press and HOLD lower button at the back Schritt 3: Drücke und halte den unteren Knopf auf der Rückseite des Gerätes
Do Step 4: while STILL HOLDING back button, turn Pokitto back on Schritt 4: Während der hintere Knopf gedrückt bleibt, schalte Pokitto wieder an
Ready! You can close this help. If you are still not connected, do this wizard again. Fertig! Hilfe kann geschlossen werden. Wenn das Gerät noch immer nicht verbunden ist wiederhole die obigen Schritte!

‘Program’ is a verb in this case. (‘to browse’, ‘to help’, ‘to program’)

Don’t worry about the formatting, even if you put it in a table, it still has to be converted into a language file.
The important thing is just that we can understand which sentence is which.

If you do want to put it in a table though, then you can read this or you can try to use a tool, like this.

Thanks. Now we just need the two missing sentences.

Adding new languages in Xojo is a 2 minute job, literally.

That’s the result using „Eifler lnternet“ in my lunch break at school :laughing:.
Internet crawls backwards there…

Did you notice that we need help with 2 more sentences from you?

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