Gameboy Printer

Just a quick example of using a gameboy printer with pokitto…

You’ll have to cut up a gameboy link cable to do this one.

Pins used are set in the main.c file

DigitalInOut datClk(P0_11);
DigitalInOut datIn(P0_17);
DigitalInOut datOut(P0_13);
// GND also

You can probably use any pins you like, I chose these because they are next to each other.


Yeaahh, you finaly have it working ? How did you solve it ? :grinning:

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Would you believe most of my issues were low battery related?


lol really, that was it? I geuss you dont have the original power supply for the printer then ? Or is it powered by the GB ?

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It’s supposed to be powered by batteries (6xAA). But I modified mine to use a 9v power supply.



I wonder if my local computer museum has a GB Printer.

Is the next step to try and connect the gameboy camera to the pokitto?

The GB Camera is a game cart you have to emulate the Gameboy to let it capture

If you want a camera you can look into Arduino camera modules

I have too much camera gear as it is. I was more wondering how inspired you were on this theme and whether it was a actually possible to wire something into the PEX that could connect a GB game cart.

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you can, its usualy just 2 chips rom and lockoutchip (on a regular game), but doing something with the data is another thing

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Good News!!!
Look my face, it comes to my GB photo.
My friend just give me a GB printer from Japan. But I don’t have papers using it.
Maybe I can buy some commeral paper and cut it suitable size.:sweat_smile:

You can buy the correct size from eBay etc. However I just asked at a local store for some left over receipt paper, as there is usually a little left on the roll, then I just cut it to size.

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OK, had a go a converting this to uPython…

# Welcome to Python on Pokitto!
from umachine import *
import upygame as upg
import umachine as pok


# Set the pins, I chose these because they were next to each other
datClk = Pin( Pin.EXT1, Pin.OUT );
datOut = Pin( Pin.EXT3, Pin.OUT );
datIn =  Pin( Pin.EXT5, Pin.IN ); # needs to be pullup

# Global variables
checksum = 0;
respond = [0 for x in range(2)]

#Receive data from the printer
def getResponse():

    respond[0] = 0;
    respond[1] = 0;
    # read 2 bytes
    for numBytes in range(2):
        # 8 bits per byte
        for numBits in range(8):
            respond[numBytes] <<=1; # shift the data left
            datClk = 0;
            if( datIn ):
                respond[numBytes] |= 1;

#Send a byte to the printer
def sendByte( byteToSend ):
    global checksum
    # Update checksum
    checksum += byteToSend;
    # Loop through the 8 bits in the byte
    for t in range(8):
        datOut = byteToSend & 128;
        datCLk = 0;
        datClk = 1;
        byteToSend <<=1;
    datOut = 0;
def sendChecksum():
    # grab the checksum value
    lineChecksum = checksum;
    # Send low Byte of checksum
    sendByte(lineChecksum & 0xFF);
    # Send high Byte of checksum
    sendByte(lineChecksum >> 8);

def sendHeader():
    # Send magic header
    # reset checksum value
    checksum = 0;
def initPrinter():
    # Send the header bytes
    sendByte(0x01); # 0x01 = init printer
    sendByte(0x00); # 0x00 = No compression, 0x01 = run-length compression
    sendByte(0x00); # 16bit number = length of data being sent
    sendByte(0x00); # 
    sendChecksum(); # send checksum for verification

def printLine():
    sendByte(0x04); # 0x04 = Data to print
    sendByte(0x00); # 0x00 = No compression, 0x01 = run-length compression
    sendByte(0x80); # 16bit number = length of data being sent
    sendByte(0x02); # in this case 0x0280 = 640 bytes, the maximum.

    # send the print data
    for t in range(640):

    getResponse(); # We don't need to check the response, just allow it to be sent
    sendByte(0x04); # 0x04 = Data to print
    sendByte(0x00); # 0x00 = No compression, 0x01 = run-length compression
    sendByte(0x00); # 16bit number = length of data being sent
    sendByte(0x00); # in this case 0 for no data.
    getResponse(); # We don't need to check the response, just allow it to be sent

    sendByte(0x02); # 0x02 = Print current buffer
    sendByte(0x00); # 
    sendByte(0x04); # 0x04 = Lenth of data being sent
    sendByte(0x00); # 
    sendByte(0x01); # 0x01 = Print, 0x00 = line feed
    sendByte(0x00); # amount of margin to leave
    sendByte(0xE4); # Palette data 0xE4 =  11 10 01 00 black grey1 grey2 white
    sendByte(0x40); # 0x40 Can't remember what this was :-(

    getResponse(); # We don't need to check the response, just allow it to be sent

# Main
datClk = 1; # Start with clock high
datOut = 0; # Data low

pok.draw_text(0,0,"Init Printer", 1)
if( respond[0]==0x81 and respond[1]==0x00 ):
    pok.draw_text(0,8,"Printer responded!", 1)

    # print 9 lines of data
    while(t <9):
        sendByte(0x0F); # 
        sendByte(0x00); # 
        sendByte(0x00); # 
        getResponse(); # We don't need to check the response, just allow it to be sent

Doesn’t seem to work. Using my analyser, all 3 pins are brought low and nothing else happens. Anyone know why? I would expect at least the clock pin should flip :frowning:

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Instead of datClk = 1 try datClk.on() (and )

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For an analog out pin you have to define it like this:
datOut = Pin ( Pin.EXT1, Pin.ANALOG_OUT )

I have never tested analog output with MP :wink:
Edit: Unfortunately it looks like ANALOG_OUT is not implemented :frowning:

Switched to digital pins and changed to the above activation and the pins now change state!

Now to get it communicating with the printer…

[edit] The printer communicated back by pulling the pin low… easy when internal pullups are supported :stuck_out_tongue:


hmmm, looks like wait(55//1000); doesn’t work to get a 55 millisecond delay :frowning:

Does uPython support millisecond delays?

Wait takes the value as milliseconds. So wait(1000) waits 1 second.

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oops, mistyped… mean microseconds :frowning:

something like wait_us(55); so what I’m looking for :stuck_out_tongue:

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No, waiting for microseconds is not supported.