[Game]PiCross (Direct Port)

Graphics : @Vampirics
Code: @filmote
Arduboy2 lib port: @Pharap

Press Play On Tape team is happy to release PiCross, a classic puzzle game including 300 puzzle to solve by turning on spaces in a grid following hints that are on the left side and at the top.

This release is a direct port using a work-in-progress version of the Arduboy2 lib port that @Pharap is working on. It include a custom background and saving works like on the original device.

All licences are included in the release zip files

PiCross.zip (127.6 KB)

A POP file is also included for the Kraken Loader.

Press Play on Tape will soon be working on original games for Pokitto specifically in the future, first game will probably be a full Pokitto version of this game in colour and using the whole screen.

Have fun!


I have tried PiCross.
I was a bit skeptical because I have tried some ported arduboy games before like your loverush game and I found that the screen was too small but now with the custom border the experience is totally different in my opinion (I know that the screensize did not change).
Very nice!

@Pharap, you should finish the Arduboy2 lib port so that people can use it! :slight_smile:


I was hoping someone would mention this.

I’ve actually had the border idea planned from the beginning,
(or at least since the Game Boy emulator has been able to do it),
which is one of the reasons I’ve been telling people not to worry about scaling.

I’ve also had a finished border provided by @Vampirics since last August,
so I’ve known for quite some time that it would look decent enough.

And this is one of the reasons I didn’t reveal it sooner,
I knew people would start wanting me to start working on it again. :P

Most of the difficult parts are actually related to the border system.
I don’t plan to simply have the one border that resembles the Arduboy,
I want to provide a facility to allow people to provide custom borders.

Last time I was working on the library (which is months ago now) I was figuring out what the best way to handle the border system is.
I don’t want to make something that only half works or is awkard to use,
I want to explore several options to make sure I pick the right one.
Ideally I want something simple enough that artists with very little programming experience could easily create and apply a border.

I might start working on it again sometime in the coming months,
but it’s hard to get the motivation to do so.

