Chara pixelcroft in the shrine of dusty artifacts

found a way to scroll the screen in high-resolution mode. frame-rate is slower but there is no screen tearing

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Cool! Are you using screen driver registers for scrolling?

actualy no, i looked at directbitmap and saw its implementation is very slow. so im trying to talk more directly to the screen and sending it the entire screen in one go so far it seems the screen has a preference to draw vertical scanlines so im trying fix the drawing

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i actualy am trying out screen scrolling and it kinda works but im getting odd behavior where the second time round it jumps around and i have no idea why, i am modulating it to 219

i also see some sort of clearing of the buffer happening on 1/4th the screen so somewhere theres a clear screen happening in the code but not sure where

if you want to try it, heres basicly what i did

void Pokitto::lcdScroll(uint8_t offset){
	write_command(0x21); //Vertical DRAM Address 
    write_data(offset); //set drawing offset
	write_command(0x31); // Vertical scroll control
    write_data(0x00DB); // scroll start
    write_command(0x32); // Vertical scroll control
    write_data(0x0000); // scroll end line 0
    write_command(0x33); // Vertical scroll control
    write_data(offset); // vertical scroll position

though all its good for right now i think is to shake the screen

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testing out my new custom mode i think we are at number 15 so i guess thats what it going to be called
technical name would be something like “16 color high resolution 220x176 slow draw + large buffer in ram”
mode15test.bin (33.1 KB)


I will try that.

Seems good so far! Quite fast too.

16 posts were merged into an existing topic: Direct Memory Access Discussion

can anyone do music for the pokitto?
i havent touched it at all and i have no music skill or feel
so anyone want to make a track for this game?

I decided to migrate the DMA discussion so it doesn’t clutter up the thread about your game if people want to continue discussing it.

If you want to advertise for a musician to join you,
we now have a category for that .
You might get more luck there.

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idk what that link is suposed to do

Fixed it.
Not sure why it wasn’t working, using a #-link normally works.
It was supposed #join-a-team-help-wanted

I tried this and it works fine! I think you can remove setting DRAM address in the code. With your function it would be easy to make a tile scroller where you can scroll repeating tiles easily.

There still might be some flicker (?) if there are objects that do not scroll, and you have to remove and redraw them in DRAM each frame.

Did you notice that it shifts the lines up a pixel or something?

Oh, I did not spot that.