Adafruit is making the 'PyBadge'

I confess that I haven’t made anywhere near enough cat games.
I’ve only made a rabbit game.


There’s also this (coming out of China) now:


I like the cat theme, but the block GUI and JavaScript editors put me off.

I wouldn’t even think about buying it unless there was complete assurance that it could be programmed in a statically typed language with an offline IDE.

But it has made me decide one thing. The Pokitto needs a cat hat. With cat ears.


Whoa… microbit compatible :thinking: I’ve got two of those laying around. One as a wearable that I’ve been meaning to code the compas lnto lol… the online editor is kind of a pain and I’ve not had the time to explore offline yet. So I could see the sense in not wanting it due to that.

Edit: apparently with micro python this can in fact be edited offline (the meowbit). Shoot that’s going on my list now :smile:



4 posts were split to a new topic: Brainpad

…another for the list:


PyBadge specs and price:

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Out of stock already? Haha or just not in stock yet xD…

Looks interesting. Not really sure about what could be done with it that I don’t already have though.

Aggressive price

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The fact that there’s no case makes it not that appealing to me though. And I don’t really feel like making one myself, but yeah the price is low.


Yes, the shell gives personality for Pokitto. PyBadge is more like “a PCB board and stuff”.

Also it does not have SD card slot, nor wlan. You have to connect the cable every time you switch the game.


It also seems the speaker and battery are sold separately along with any sort of case. This would be similar to buying just the pokitto board and having to source all the other peripherals.

That explains why the price is so speaker no battery no shell. No see card slot. But you get a bette processor.

Still seems like a more constrained overall ecosystem though.

“To make bleeps and bloops, there’s a built in buzzer-speaker. For projects where you need more volume, you can plug in one of our 8 ohm speakers.”

…‘coming soon’:

Now we are talking…

Hoestly I’m not a big fan of that case/shell.
I don’t know why, but it just doesn’t look right to me.

The Pokitto’s case/shell has far more charm.


That definitely solves a lot of the trepidation I had :thinking: